Sunday 29 May 2011

Knowing Life: Living a Happy Life

Knowing Life: Living a Happy Life: "Sounds easy isn’t it? Well it ain't that easy but the most difficult goal to achieve in life or one can also call it as a goal which can ..."

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Living a Happy Life

Sounds easy isn’t it? Well it isn't that easy but the most difficult goal to achieve in life or one can also call it as a goal which can never be achieved. We all run after this particular goal throughout our lives but at the same time it is running from us, True Story!!.

We all have moments in our lives where we feel that ohh yes! this is now perfect or how much more perfect it can get. The moment you feel that something goes wrong. Then again one’s priorities and  everything changes.
We run after things like I want that car, that house or that boy or that girl actually we are running after happiness and as I told you it is always running from us.

The moment you have that particular thing in your life, its importance gets less and something else’s importance increases and that is how the world works. Almost everything which makes us happy is short lived but exceptions are always there and people may or may not agree with me. Is it right that we don’t respect whatever that we have and always run after new things?

Setting up goals for yourself is good but is it right that the goals which you have already achieved have no importance...NO Actually unknowingly your previous goals only give you the power and energy to go ahead and achieve new ones.

Nobody is happy. Actually nobody wants to be happy. Happiness is a feeling which you can make yourself feel but you cannot buy it even if you have a lot of money. Why is nobody happy? The simple answer to that is because nobody wants to be. We should learn how to live a happy life.

 To start with it first of all become an optimist, and try to feel all the positive energy around you. Try to keep that feeling of more to the minimum as the feeling of more always comes in the way whether we are talking money, respect or anything. Feel more than satisfied with what you have right now in your life or I must say with whatever you are blessed with, it helps a LOT. If you are happy, live the moment without thinking about what will happen in the future or what had already happened in the past because it MAY be the last time you were happy or may be the last moment in your LIFE.

Keep smiling is one of the common way but it actually helps. Find out what kind of problems are faced by the less fortunate on a daily basis and I swear to god at that moment you will feel like you are the most blessed or the luckiest person alive on the planet and tell you what, you are. There is a very nice Oscar nominated Hollywood movie called The Pursuit of Happiness starring Will Smith, the movie which tells its audience that happiness can be felt only at your own will.

There is an old saying by the famous Guru Nanak, founder of the Sikh religion.

Nanak Dukhiya Sab Sansaar…Guru Nanak

It means the whole world is miserable. There is sorrow in everyone’s life, to some extent, But It is the Sorrow which enhances the Value and Joy of the Happiness which follows.

My Grandfather always tells me to recite this Sanskrit quote or mantra or prayer I don’t know what exactly it is but it has a wonderful meaning.

Prasan Wadhanam Dhyaye Sarv Wighano Prashante…

This basically means keep smiling and all obstacles in your life will go away. A smiling face has the power to withstand any obstacle or problem.

It is quite simple when you are able to keep yourself happy and contended in your life, everything becomes easier. That smile of yours comes automatically on your face and becomes a part of your life.

It is like its in your hands to be happy or not. You can have everything and not be happy while at the same time the you can have nothing and be happy.

Happiness Is like a Butterfly; the More You Chase It, the More It Will Elude You, but If You Turn Your Attention to other Things, It Will Come and Sit Softly on Your Shoulder...Thoreau
